Can You Froth Almond Milk? (Instructions & Expert Tips)

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can you froth almond milk

Cutting down on dairy, but still want that creamy latte?

I’ve been there. 

Latte without a froth is blasphemy, so just adding the cold milk is not an option.

So can you froth almond milk?

Good news, you can!

However, the result you get won’t be the same as with dairy milk.

But, there are a few tricks on how you can make it work.

Read on to learn more!

Can You Froth Almond Milk?

Every single type of milk consists of 3 main components:

  • Fats
  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates

And when it comes to frothing, the first two are the ones that matter.

The proteins are responsible for creating and keeping the foam stable. As the milk heats up, the proteins start spreading and wrapping around air bubbles. Basically, they create a protective layer preventing air bubbles, preventing them from bonding to water. 

The fat, on the other hand, gives the foam its texture and flavor. However, too much of it can cause proteins to destabilize and dissipate. 

Well, almond milk has a decent amount of both. 

Therefore, it can froth. It won’t give you the luscious microfoam ideal for latte art, as you would get with regular milk. But the final result can be quite decent.

Nowadays, you can even find almond milk products designed especially for frothing. Basically, they have a higher protein content, so it makes a better foam for a coffee drink.

What is Almond Milk Anyways?

almond milk

Almond milk is made by blending together soaked almonds, water, and salt. So naturally, it’s vegan, lactose, and gluten-free. This makes it a great choice for those who want a plant-based milk alternative.

Aside from a nutty flavor, almond milk is pretty similar to skim cow milk. But even so, it contains a decent amount of healthy fats. It’s also an excellent source of vitamins D and E.

However, don’t expect almond milk to be as high in other nutrients as dairy milk. After all, it consists of around 98% water. Its carb content is approximately 0.3 grams per 100-gram serving.

Finally, what I like the most about almond milk is the fact that you can easily make it at home.

The only ingredients you need are water, nuts, and salt. As for the tools, you’ll need a blender and something to strain the mixture with. 

The process is pretty simple as well.

  1. Combine the ingredients and blend until you get a creamy mixture.
  2. Strain the almond pump using a nut milk bag or a towel.
  3. Transfer almond milk to a glass container.

And that’s the whole thing.

Different Ways To Froth Almond Milk

Now, there are a few things around your kitchen that you can use to froth almond milk. And whichever you go for, you can do a few things to get better results.

Here are some expert tips on how to froth almond milk.

Use high-quality milk – almond milk is already 98% water. But with cheaper brands, that percentage might even be higher. That also means the milk is lower in fat and protein, so it won’t froth as well. Look for almond milk with high protein and medium fat content.

Warm it up slowly – almond milk can easily scorch. And if that happens, it won’t create a nice creamy froth. The temperature should be around 150 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re using a stove, warm it on medium heat, not allowing it to boil.

Start with cold almond milk – you want to refrigerate milk before frothing. Otherwise, you might not get as many bubbles as you would when slowly warming it up.

Alright, now that you know what to do, let’s see how you can froth almond milk at home:

Frothing By Hand

a person holding frothed milk

A quick and easy way to froth almond milk is to use a good old whisk. For this method, you’ll also need a saucepan as well as a thermometer.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pour almond milk into a saucepan.
  2. Place a thermometer inside the saucepan. You want to pay close attention to the temperature. 
  3. Set the stove to medium heat, then place the saucepan over the stovetop. 
  4. Let the milk slowly heat up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, then remove it from the heat.
  5. Whisk the milk with fast motion, until it gets to the consistency you’re aiming at. That shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

As you can see, pretty straightforward. You won’t get the best possible results with this method, but it works when you have no other tools at hand.

Using a Steaming Wand

If you own an espresso maker, you’ve got the upper hand. The frother on your machine will steam the almond milk to create a lovely foam for your latte.

If your machine uses an automatic frother, then there’s not much for you to do. Just place it inside a pitcher with milk, and the machine will do the rest.

However, if it features a manual steam wand, you’ll need to make the bubbles yourself. Here’s how:

  1. Place the steam wand inside the pitcher, while holding it at an angle.
  2. Make sure the wand tip is just below the almond milk surface.
  3. Slowly move the pitcher around in a clockwise motion. Then, start moving it up and down. This will add more air bubbles inside the milk. 
  4. Once the content of the pitcher doubles in size, that’s your cue it’s done. At this point, the bubbles should be tiny and the texture velvety.

This is, hands down, the best method to froth almond milk.

Using a Hand Held Milk Frother

frothing milk with hand held frother

These little tools are great, as they’re affordable and available at any big box store. They’re also pretty easy to use and make a decent foam.

This is what you need to do:

  1. Pour milk into a pitcher or a small bowl. 
  2. Place the milk frother into the milk, with the tip just below the surface. 
  3. Turn the frother on, moving it in a clockwise motion for about 30 seconds. Then, move it up and down, letting more bubbles in.

Stop when you get that nice texture of the frothed milk.

Using an Electric Milk Frother 

This is definitely one of the easiest ways to froth almond milk. There’s very little you have to do manually besides setting the machine up.

Here are the instructions:

  1. Plug the milk frother in. 
  2. Pour cold almond milk inside the milk frother, in the amount designated for the machine.
  3. Secure the lid in place.
  4. Turn on the machine.

That’s all.

The milk frother will stop working when your almond milk foam is done.

With a French Press

milk in french press

French press is yet another easy way to create foam using almond milk. The final result is somewhat more frothy and less velvety than with other methods.

  1. Preheat the milk to medium heat on the stove. 
  2. Pour it into the French press. Then, start moving the plunger up and down rapidly until you get the desired texture.

And, voilà! You will get a decent foamed milk for your latte or cappuccino.


Still have questions regarding almond milk froth?

Let’s solve them in this section.

Does oat milk or almond milk froth better?

Both oat and almond milk has a good amount of fat and proteins, so they produce a very rich and creamy foam. But since oat milk has 4 times higher protein content, it retains its fluffy texture for a longer time than almond milk.

Why does almond milk curdle in my coffee?

This occurs due to the acidity of coffee, which causes almond milk to separate. But even if it curdles, your coffee is still safe to drink.

Is almond milk heavy on the stomach?

Certain almond milk products contain carrageenan, which is added as a thickening agent. This additive is actually the one that causes stomach problems. To avoid these issues, look for products without this additive on the ingredient list.

To Sum Things Up

If you’re cutting down on dairy, almond milk is a great alternative for your milk-based coffee drinks.

Although the foam you get is not as creamy and dense as dairy milk foam, the result is nonetheless enjoyable. And you can easily achieve it at home, with different methods.

Want to know more about frothing milk? Check out our guide on the subject.

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Viktoria Marks
Viktoria is a writer and a journalist who can't imagine sitting by her computer without a large cup of java in her hand. She loves sampling coffee from all over the world as much as writing about it.