How To Make Aeropress Cold Brew Coffee? (Easy Recipe)

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aeropress cold brew

Craving some cold brew coffee?

What if I told you that you could have one ready in just 2 minutes?

You probably think this is a rude joke to hear before having your first cup of the day… But it’s actually true.

As long as you own the AeroPress.

The final result is just as good as coffee that’s been steeping for 12+ hours.

AeroPress cold brew sounds intriguing?

Read on!

Regular vs Aeropress Cold Brew

Cold brew is nothing like your typical hot cup of coffee. It’s mellow and sweet with just a hint of acidity, perfect for those with a sensitive stomach. This unique flavor profile is a result of coffee being steeped in cold water for a long time.

Whether you’re using cheesecloth, a French press, or even a proper cold brew coffee maker, the recipe requires 12+ hours of steeping.

Well, unless you’re using an AeroPress. Because this bad boy can make that happen pretty much instantly.

Not going to lie, I was extremely skeptical about this method. But it works! 

Since you’re forcing water through the grounds and stirring it, you’re speeding up the whole process. Of course, a few other factors make the whole thing possible, and we’ll get into details in the next section.

Oh, and not only is it fast, but this AeroPress cold brew recipe requires less clean-up time. This brewer is much easier to clean than a French press. Plus, it’s dishwasher safe, so you can just wash it on the top rack when you’re lazy to do it manually. 

Making Cold Brew Using the AeroPress

a person making cold brew in aeropress

This cold brew coffee recipe is for a cold brew concentrate, which you can later dilute according to your preference. Given the size of an AeroPress, you can’t make more than 8 ounces at a time. That’s roughly for 1 to 2 cups of cold brew. 


To make cold brew concentrate, you’ll need 2 things – coffee and water.

There are no rules when it comes to cold brew. You can try different coffee bean roasts and water ratios, and find what you like.

You can simply use your regular coffee, or ask your local roaster for some specialty coffee that goes well as a cold brew.

But generally, medium and dark roasts are best for this brewing method. That’s because these roasts have more porous coffee beans, so they extract better. Plus, their robust and complex flavor profile shines through without being too overwhelming.

With other brewing methods, you’d use a much coarser grind for cold brew. But with AeroPress, you want to go with a finer grind, similar to table salt.

The finer the coffee particles are, the faster they can extract. And since the AeroPress method takes only 2 minutes, you need a grind size that can achieve that in such a short amount of time.

As for the water, I’d recommend using either bottled or filtered. Minerals found in tap water can slow down the extraction process, thus affecting the taste of your brew. 

When making cold brew in the AeroPress coffee maker for the first time, I recommend going with a 4:1 water to coffee ratio. Then, if you find that too mild or too strong, you can adjust the dosage next time.

For an 8-ounce serving, which is the batch size you can make with AeroPress, you’ll need 30 grams of coffee. This ratio should give you a bold and well-rounded cold brew concentrate. 

The Things You’ll Need


You don’t actually need a grinder to make a cold brew. But you want to use freshly ground coffee for a flavorful cup of java. If you don’t have a coffee grinder at home, buy a fresh batch the day you plan on making a cold brew coffee concentrate.

There are 2 filter options for AeroPress: –

  • Metal
  • Paper

Metal filters give your brew more body, while paper filters make it lighter. 

If you go with a paper one, make sure to wet it before you add coffee grounds. This ensures it sticks better to the AeroPress cap. At the same time, you’re rinsing the paper taste so that it doesn’t affect the coffee flavor.

A Step-by-Step Guide

Alright, now that you have everything ready, let’s start cold brewing!

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Start with freshly ground coffee. If you don’t own a grinder at home, buy a fresh batch at your local coffee shop.
  2. Place a filter into the Aeropress detachable cap. If you’re using a paper filter, wet it with a bit of hot water to remove the papery taste.
  3. Add 30 grams of coffee ground into the cylinder. 
  4. Pour room temperature water into the AeroPress, up to the number 2 mark. 
  5. Start stirring vigorously for a minute. This is an important step, as it further speeds up the extraction process.
  6. Start pressing the plunger with a gentle motion. You don’t want to do it too fast or too hard, as it can cause the coffee grounds to compact. In that case, you’ll end up with unevenly extracted coffee. If you feel strong resistance, pause for a few seconds before continuing.
  7. What you have now is a cold brew concentrate that you can further dilute for a balanced cup. Add cold water or milk to turn the concentrate into an 8-ounce cup of cold brew. You can also add some ice cubes if you want it extra cold. Or, you can warm up your cold brew if you prefer hot coffee.

Serving Tips

As I’ve already said, this recipe will give you a cold brew concentrate. As such, it’s pretty strong to drink undiluted. 

Now, you have several options for diluting. The most basic one would be to simply add more water until it’s as strong as you’d like it to be. 

Or, you can also add milk, be it dairy or plant-based. One way would be to simply pour a splash of milk into your cold coffee. But you can also make cold foam

The accent here is on “cold.” You see, if you were to make foam with hot milk, it would simply dissolve into your cold brew. But cold foam will sit on top.

For a stiff froth, you want to use skim milk. As for plant-based alternatives, oat, soy, and almond milk are your best options.

If you like your cold brew sweet, consider using condensed milk. It will also give a richer body to your beverage. 

Finally, a pump of your favorite syrup can give your beverage a different edge. Vanilla and caramel are classic choices, but if you want to try something bolder, consider these:

  • Cinnamon – for a very festive cup of coffee
  • Mocha – chocolate and coffee always go well together
  • Bourbon – makes your cold brew rich and buttery
  • Pistachio – great to pair with cold foam
  • Pumpkin – subtle and not too sweet

In fact, to be honest, I don’t think there’s a bad combo when it comes to cold brew flavoring. The well-balanced flavor profile of this coffee makes it pair well with different profiles.

aeropress cold brew coffee

AeroPress Cold Brew

A simple recipe to make your favorite coffee drink without leaving it to steep for 12 hours or more.
Prep Time 3 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Drinks
Servings 1


  • AeroPress
  • Metal or paper filter


  • 30 grams of medium or dark roasted coffee (finely ground)
  • 132 g water (room temperature)


  • Add 30 grams of fresh, finely ground coffee into the AeroPress.
  • Pour water up to the number 2 mark.
  • Start stirring the grounds for a minute.
  • With gentle but constant pressure, push down the plunger on the AeroPress.
  • Dilute the cold brewed coffee concentrate using water or cold milk.

To Sum Things Up

With AeroPress, you can enjoy a cup of cold brew without planning it way ahead. In just 2 minutes, you’ll have a cup ready for drinking.

The key to a fast cup of cold brew lies in stirring and applying pressure with the AeroPress. That way, your coffee grounds extract much faster, leaving you with a flavorful cup.

Of course, you should use fresh beans and filtered water for the best results.

Don’t know which coffee beans to use? Here are our top recommendations for cold brew coffee.

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Viktoria Marks
Viktoria is a writer and a journalist who can't imagine sitting by her computer without a large cup of java in her hand. She loves sampling coffee from all over the world as much as writing about it.