Ghee In Coffee: 9 Benefits You Have To Know About

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ghee in coffee

Have you ever tried ghee in coffee? Jump into our guide and find out what are the benefits and downsides of adding ghee to your cup of joe.

Like your coffee creamy and sweet?

Consider trying ghee in coffee. Not only does it make it more enjoyable, but it’s good for your health.

Once I tried ghee, I’m not going back to plain coffee.

And today, I’ll tell you all about why.

9 Benefits of Ghee in Coffee

Before we get to the point, let’s make clear what ghee is.

You see, unsalted butter is made by churning cream until butterfat and buttermilk separate. But to make ghee, you need to heat it until any remaining liquid is removed.

In other words, ghee is a clarified butter.

Ghee is one of the ingredients of bulletproof coffee, a fast-growing trend among low-carb dieters and followers of the keto diet. This drink contains black coffee, MCT oil (a supplement often distilled from coconut oil), and grass-fed butter or ghee.

Now you might be wondering – what’s so special about ghee? And most importantly, what’s special about adding it to coffee?

Actually, there are many reasons why you should add ghee to your morning coffee. Let’s discuss each individually.

Aids in weight loss

Ever heard the saying “Fight fire with fire?”

Well, ghee contains good fat that helps you burn fat stored in your body.

I know it sounds silly and counterintuitive. But our bodies work in a mysterious way… 

Well, it’s not that mysterious since it can be scientifically explained. You see, carbohydrates are sugar molecules. And when they enter your body, the digestive system breaks them down into glucose. 

Glucose, also known as blood sugar, is the body’s main source of energy. Now, insulin is what helps our body cells absorb that energy. And if you produce more glucose than your cells need at a time, insulin will convert it to fat for long-term storage.

On the other hand, healthy fats slow down the digestion of carbs and delay their absorption into the blood. This essentially means that they keep your blood sugar level low.

And without the main source of energy, glucose, insulin needs to access the mentioned long-term storage. In other words, it will burn the fat instead. 

Essentially, drinking ghee butter coffee first thing in the morning is a great way to kickstart your metabolism. Your body will continue burning fats throughout the day while you’re busy doing chores.

Amazing, right?

Makes you feel full

As I already said, the good fats found in ghee take time to digest. 

What does that mean?

Basically, they remain the longest in your digestive tract. And with them being there, you feel full. Well, maybe not like I-just-ate-a-double-cheeseburger full, but you won’t feel hungry.

In other words, drinking a cup of ghee coffee in the morning may keep you satiated long enough to eat your breakfast after the morning meeting. 

However, I’m in no way recommending it as a regular substitute for breakfast. 

Carbs from a hearty meal are still an important source of energy that will keep your energy levels throughout the morning. But having a cup of ghee coffee alongside your breakfast can help you avoid feeling hungry in between meals and reaching for snacks.

It’s good for your gut

woman holding cup of coffee
Butyric acid is good for your stomach

Ghee contains butyric acid, which is commonly found in animal fat and plant oils, as well as breast milk and vomit. Weird, right? 

But that TMI fact aside, butyric acid is good for your stomach. This is a saturated fatty acid that is created when gut bacteria break down dietary fiber. Essentially, this acid provides colon cells with the needed energy to perform normal functions.

Finally, we can’t forget the role calcium plays here. Calcium is an alkali, meaning it neutralizes excess acid. It also increases fluid transport, thus helping the muscles of your digestive tract push food out. 

Makes you more energetic

Ghee is very caloric. One tablespoon of ghee contains as many as 130 calories

That’s roughly the same amount of calories as three strips of bacon. 

But unlike bacon, ghee has no protein or carbs – just pure fat. And among those, fats are the most energy-efficient food. That’s why enjoying a bit of ghee in your coffee can get you energetic in the morning – it’s not just caffeine doing that.

Helps with joint health

Joint pain isn’t just a problem older people face. Working in the office and sitting in a chair from 9 to 5 doesn’t do our joints any good either.

But yet again, ghee might be the solution you need if you’re experiencing joint pain.

Ghee works like a hydrator for the joints. Basically, it lubricates joint tissue, thus helping in reducing pain and inflammation. 

Plus, ghee is rich in vitamins – especially vitamin K, which is important for bone health.

Now, don’t think that drinking ghee coffee will suddenly get rid of your joint pain. First, you’re taking only a small amount at a time. Second, ghee takes time to work. And third – it’s no magic ingredient. It can help alleviate your symptoms but won’t solve all the problems.

It’s packed with nutrients

By adding ghee to your coffee, you can actually intake a decent portion of your daily nutrients.

Now, a cup of ghee coffee doesn’t replace food. But it can help you intake certain nutrients you might lack in your meal.

A single tablespoon of ghee contains roughly 13% of the daily suggested vitamin A intake. It also contains about 2% vitamin E and 1% vitamin K daily dosage. 

Furthermore, ghee is also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, both of which are also important for our diets.

Can serve as a cream alternative

cup of coffee with ghee
Ghee is considered an alkaline-forming food, so it helps in balancing your body’s pH

Can’t drink your coffee black, but you don’t tolerate cream well?

Well, you’re not the only one. In fact, about 68% of people in the world are sensitive to lactose. What this means is their bodies have a hard time digesting sugars in dairy products. As a result, they might suffer from bloating, gasses, and even diarrhea.

With that in mind, drinking coffee with cream when you’re lactose-sensitive doesn’t sound fun. But you can easily avoid that. You guessed it – with the help of ghee.

Ghee is made by separating liquid fats from milk solids. And when you remove milk solids, you also remove sugars (lactose), causing digestive issues. 

It neutralizes the acidity in coffee

I don’t blame you if you drink coffee on an empty stomach – I do too. But we can both admit that it doesn’t always make our bellies feel good. 

Well, coffee is naturally acidic. And I don’t mean as in that crisp flavor it might have. I’m talking about its pH level, which is slightly acidic. 

When you drink an acidic drink, it irritates your stomach lining and causes heartburn. 

Now, ghee is considered an alkaline-forming food, so it helps in balancing your body’s pH. That’s why a cup of coffee with added ghee will be much gentler on your stomach.

It improves your mood

That’s right. Ghee is good for your brain, among all other things.

As we already know, ghee is rich in fatty acids. Well, those fatty acids boost nerve connections and the production of hormones. This, logically, helps to keep our moods up and steady.

Furthermore, ghee contains cholesterol, which is another compound directly related to our mood. You see, cholesterol is responsible for making serotonin, which is a natural mood stabilizer. 

So, adding a bit of ghee to your coffee can help you feel better for scientific reasons.

Are there any disadvantages of ghee in coffee?

cup of coffee with ghee in it
Consuming too much fat can raise your bad cholesterol levels

As you can see, adding ghee to your coffee can do wonders for your body.

But there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, let’s not forget that ghee is still plain fat. And saturated fats should make up no more than 10% of our daily diet. Now, when we do the math, that roughly translates to a tablespoon of ghee per day, which is a lot.

Consuming too much fat can raise your bad cholesterol levels, which is not good for your heart. That’s why it’s important to limit your daily ghee consumption.

And given that ghee makes you energetic, it’s best you avoid adding it to your coffee after 5 p.m. That way, you can rest assured it won’t mess up your sleeping pattern.

Finally, I must mention the texture and flavor. Ghee is typically very rich and creamy but can also be slightly granular. And I totally get why some might not like such texture in their coffee.

If the ghee appears to be granulating, it’s not warm enough. Just like regular butter, ghee becomes solid in cooler temperatures. To keep it smooth, warm it up until it melts completely before adding it to coffee.

As for the flavor, it’s buttery with slight notes of roasted nuts. It’s pretty bland but still noticeable, and not everyone’s cup of tea (well, coffee, in this case).

To Sum Things Up

As you can see, adding ghee to your coffee has many health benefits. It’s good for your gut, brain, and overall your metabolism. 

However, don’t go ham with adding it to coffee, as it’s still very caloric and fatty.

Can you put buttermilk in coffee? Here’s our article on how to do it.

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Viktoria Marks
Viktoria is a writer and a journalist who can't imagine sitting by her computer without a large cup of java in her hand. She loves sampling coffee from all over the world as much as writing about it.