How To Clean Breville Espresso Machine: A Simple Guide

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how to clean breville espresso machine

As you probably know, proper maintenance is the key to a long-lasting machine.

But what exactly does that mean?

If you don’t know how to clean Breville espresso machine, don’t worry.

I got you.

In this article, I’ll share everything you need to know about maintaining a Breville coffee machine.

Let’s jump straight in.

How to Clean Breville Espresso Machine

breville drip tray

Want to keep your Breville espresso maker working well for a long time to come?

Then proper maintenance is a must. This includes daily, as well as occasional “deep” cleaning and descaling.

Simple Cleaning Guide

Do you brew coffee every day?

Then, there are a couple of cleaning tasks you need to do at the end of the day to keep your machine in top shape.

Don’t worry, doing that won’t take too much of your time. But it definitely can prolong the life of your Breville espresso maker.

Empty the Drip Tray

It doesn’t take long before the drip tray fills up with water. And leaving that water sitting there for a few days doesn’t just pose the risk of overflowing, but harvesting bacteria as well. Yuck.

It’s hard to forget to do that when a Breville coffee machine has the “empty me” sign popping up every time the tray is full.

Remove the drip tray and empty it at the sink. Then, give it a nice rinse. Using a bit of dishwashing liquid won’t hurt either.

After you’re done, let the drip tray dry completely before putting it back in place. That way, the machine can’t mistake the tray being damp for being full of water.

Wipe the Machine’s Exterior

Your espresso maker collects both dust and dirt from being touched when used. You might also spread germs when you’re using the machine. Luckily, that’s all easily avoidable.

You don’t actually need to polish your espresso machine every day, but a quick wipe with a damp cloth can help remove any filth away.

Clean the Steam Wand

Whenever you’re steaming milk, you should clean the wand right afterward. 

As you know, milk gets spoiled rather quickly when left at room temperature. And in case there’s any milk residue inside the steam wand, that’s exactly what will happen if you don’t clean it on time.

Now, I’m sure you don’t want to harbor bacteria inside your machine.

To avoid that, you need to purge the wand as soon as you’re done frothing.

Run the wand on steam settings until you see no more liquid coming out of it. Let the wand cool off before wiping it down with a damp cloth.

In case you notice your steam wand doesn’t have the same pressure as it used to, the tip might be blocked.

Remember that cleaning tool that came with your Breville coffee machine?

This is where it comes in handy.

But if the problem persists even after using the tool, there’s something else you can do.

Unscrew the tip of the wand and soak it in hot water mixed with cleaning powder. This should do the trick.

Clean the Portafilter and Basket

This is also something you should do as soon as you’re done brewing coffee.

First, let’s get rid of used grounds. Tap the portafilter over the trash can so that leftover grounds go straight in.

Then, clean the portafilter and filter basket with warm water and soap.

Avoid using a dishwasher. You can damage the parts by running them through a cycle.

Deep Cleaning Guide

breville water filter

Here comes the slightly more tedious part.

How often you should perform the deep cleaning really depends on how often you use your machine.

But, you should do the deep clean at least once a month to keep your machine in tip-top shape. Of course, it won’t hurt to do it more often.

Brew Head Cleaning

Even though you’re cleaning the portafilter and basket on a daily basis, there’s always a chance of coffee grounds getting stuck inside the brew head. 

First, what you should do is run a cycle with just water. Put a cup underneath to catch the water that comes through, because you’re going to give it a nice look.

Ideally, it should come crystal clear. But if it appears to have a yellow or brown hue, that means there’s coffee residue and oil buildup inside.

In that case, grab that cleaning tool you previously used for cleaning the steam wand. Use it to clean the holes in the filter. Now I know, it doesn’t sound like a fun task to do. But it‘s necessary to keep your machine working properly.

Change the Water Filter

Now, I’ve seen people on the internet actually recommending rinsing the filter and putting it back in place. 

Trust me, this won’t work as well as they intended it to. 

Like anything else, water filters have a lifespan. The exact amount of time depends on how often you’re using the machine. But generally, 1 to 2 months is a good rule of thumb. 

Clean the Grinder

Own a model with a built-in grinder?

That part needs regular maintenance too.

Luckily, that one is a piece of cake.

Every now and then, you should brush off the coffee grounds with a brush.

No water. Water, as well as soap, can actually damage the grinder and cause it to rust over time.

Descaling Guide

Finally, we can’t forget about descaling.

Why should you descale your Breville espresso machine?

As you probably know, water contains different kinds of minerals, including calcium and magnesium.

And these minerals build up inside your espresso machine (especially if you use hard water), forming the so-called limescale.

Now, it’s true that the water filter is inserted to deal with that. But in certain areas, tap water has quite a high mineral content. So naturally, some of them will find their way through.

But that’s nothing we can’t deal with.

Descaling a Breville espresso machine is rather simple. You’ll just need two things:

  • Cleaning disk
  • Cleaning tablets

Well, it’s true that you can also use white vinegar to make your own cleaning solution. But, cleaning disks and tablets come with the machine, so there’s no reason not to try them out.

Later you can see which works better for you.

Now, let’s descale your espresso maker. The process is simple and won’t take more than a couple of minutes of your time. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Place the cleaning disk into a 1-Cup holder.
  2. Then, put the cleaning tablet inside.
  3. Place the portafilter in its place as if you were brewing coffee.
  4. Press and hold simultaneously the power, 1-Cup and 2-Cup buttons. When you see the cleaning light flashing, release the buttons. The cleaning cycle should begin.

Once the machine is done descaling, run a couple of brewing cycles without using coffee. This is just to be safe there’s no residue from cleaning tablets. Nothing dangerous, but could cause your coffee to taste a bit weird and soapy.

Simple Tips for Everyday Maintenance

When it comes to espresso machines, you can never be too tidy.

In fact, there’s nothing wrong about going all Monica Geller with your Breville.

So, here are a few tips you can incorporate into your everyday maintenance to assure your espresso machine is squeaky clean.

Always use a freshly-clean cloth – When wiping down parts of your machine, ensure the cloth you’re using is clean and laundered at a high temperature.

Don’t use detergent for parts that are in direct contact with coffee – Regular detergent can leave a residue that breaks down oils. You don’t actually want oils in your coffee to break down during brewing.

Do a quick flush after every shot – While this is more of a weekly maintenance thing, it won’t hurt to do it after every brew instead. It will just make deep cleaning a much easier task.

Dispose of used coffee as soon as possible – Don’t let used coffee grounds sit in your portafilter for too long. That can only make it harder to clean once they harden.

Regularly change the water inside the water tank – No matter how often you might brew coffee, you should replace the water in the water tank on a regular basis. Ideally, every 4 days at most.

Related article: How To Clean Braun Coffee Maker: Step-By-Step Instructions

Final Words

As you can see, maintaining a Breville espresso machine is not too big of a task.

Certain parts need to be cleaned every day, such as the steam wand and portafilter.

As for the rest, it depends on how often you use your machine. But generally, it’s advisable to do it once a month.

Finally, you should descale your machine after 1 to 2 months at most.

Planning on upgrading to a new model? Check out our list of the best Breville machines on the market.

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Viktoria Marks
Viktoria is a writer and a journalist who can't imagine sitting by her computer without a large cup of java in her hand. She loves sampling coffee from all over the world as much as writing about it.